Seeds to Sow in JulySeeds to sow in July to keep you harvesting all year round. There are masses of things to sow in the vegetable garden at this time of year; a mix of continued successional sowing, new things to get started and also a few things that you have a last...
Blog posts to do with: GROWING things
The Polytunnel: The Build
BUILDING THE POLYTUNNEL (or more acurately the Polyhouse) In April 2020 i set about building a Polytunnel on our plot, from scratch and with mostly salvaged materials. The one thing we knew we would have to spend on was the poly cover sheeting and so thats where the...
What is Green Manure – and why we should all be growing it!
WHAT IS GREEN MANURE and why we should all be using it! Although the majority of our city is on famous London Clay on our allotment, our soil is so sandy we may as well be trying to grow in a child's sand pit! This has lead to a constant battle to increase the organic...
Chard. The two-in-one vegetable of the gods…
CHARD. The two-in-one vegetable of the gods... If any of you follow me on Instagram you will know how much I love chard... but we haven't always seen eye to eye. The problem was that i hadn't realised that it needs to be treated like two separate vegetables. The...
Cima di Rapa! – if a turnip had a baby with spinach and its cousins were chicory and mustard….
Cima Di Rapa - if a turnip had a baby with spinach and its cousins were chichory and mastard... The summer months generally a time for picking. Being inundated with beans and courgettes, preserving, jam making and pickling. But its important not to forget that many of...