ORANGE AND SAFFRON GIN This is one of my favorite gin flavorings but these things are all very personal and Mum really doesn't like this one! She is one of those people who mysteriously can neither taste nor small saffron and that's what really make this special and...
Blog posts to do with: DRINKING things
The sort of cheating way to make gin… but its great!
The sort of cheating way to MAKE YOUR OWN GIN, but it's great! I've always been rather partial to a Gin and Tonic but the explosion of the Craft Gin culture has really opened my eyes up to what gin can be. Last year my sister and I went to The Gin Fair and the range...

Jessie Sheffield is an artist, gardener and writer from London, UK. She is also the creator of the Plot 37 Project and on a mission to share the joy of growing stuff, eating stuff, drinking stuff and making stuff. Interesting in finding out more? TRY HERE