- 200ml good quality Vodka
- 5 juniper berries
- 1 clove
- 5 pepper corns
- 5 coriander seeds
- 1 cardamon pod
- a few strips off of a stick of cinnamon
- 5 strands of Saffron
- 2x 7cm strips of Orange peel.

This recipe is for a ‘trial size’ steep. I think part of the fun of this is trying lots of different ones and so i do them all in small batches. If you decide you love it, just scale it up for larger quantities!
Put your ‘first steep’ ingredients into your bottle or jar and top it up with the vodka. Leave this to sit for 12-24hrs.
At this point have a smell of it and a little taste to check how its coming along. You may want to strain it at this point if your happy with the flavors or leave them for the second part to strengthen them.
Using a potato peeler, slice off two strips of orange peel about 7cm long trying to avoid any pith and put them into the vodka along with the saffron. Leave for between 6 and 12hrs.
Check your flavors and either strain it at this point or leave it a little longer. Don’t leave it more than 48hrs in total because its likley to be undrinkable!

Mix as usual with ice and tonic. I like to put a sprig of Lemon Verbena in mine but thats up to you!